Hey Everyone,
I pray you’ve just enjoyed a wonderful Christmas and are feeling refreshed as you prepare for all that lies ahead in 2022. Whether you are part of Calvary Monterey or only know me through nateholdridge.com, I hope something I’ve said or written has helped you this past year.
These are challenging times, but with the challenge is an opportunity. I believe God’s finest work occurs in times such as these, times when the gospel stands out as the only hope. My plans for this next year are taking shape, and I look forward to all God might do in 2022.
On Sundays, I will continue to post my written teachings. To start the year, we will study the book of Nehemiah. This Old Testament book will provide us with an opportunity to think about how God builds up his church. Last year I taught about the exilic brand of Christianity that Peter proposed in 1 Peter. I believe Nehemiah will help us learn how God works to form us into that exilic community that can withstand internal and external pressures placed upon us.
After Nehemiah, I plan to spend five weeks teaching a subject that has become important to me over the past few years: the theology of work. In Whole-Hearted Work: Does My Work Matter To God?, I will teach about why our work matters, why it is hard, why it is good, how to be balanced in your work, and how to do good work. I look forward to expositing various Bible passages that will help us see the importance of our work—school, job, or career.
Following this series on work, it looks like we will move into a thorough study of the book of Colossians.
Growth Nights
On the first Sunday night of every month, Calvary will host a new ministry called Growth Nights from February through November. These monthly gatherings are meant to provide further training and help for believers of all ages and are open to everyone. More information is forthcoming, but I am excited to announce that Christina and I will be teaming up to teach at these events in 2022. I will address the men (Jesus Famous Men), and she will address the women (Jesus Famous Women). I will also post my teachings in written, audio, and video form at nateholdridge.com.
Jesus Famous Podcast
After a couple of years off, the Jesus Famous podcast is making a comeback in 2022. Each week we will produce a discussion based on the text and teaching of the previous Sunday, and we will also release bonus episodes with interviews of interesting believers I admire. I hope the casual atmosphere of these podcasts will help our pastoral team pastor people, platform solid believers, and partner with you as you seek to live for Christ. We’ve already begun production, and I can say I think we are on the right track! Subscribe today anywhere you get podcasts and expect the first fresh shows to drop mid-January.
In addition to the above, I will continue to release (or re-release) articles each week that stem from various Scriptures. I pray that these short (and sometimes not-so-short) thoughts will inspire and encourage you for life. For those keeping score at home, these articles and the projects mentioned above mean we will post something Sunday-Thursday on most weeks. Enjoy!
Again, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year. My family and I are thankful for the love and support that so many of you have shown us. Thank you.
In Christ,
Nate Holdridge