“From the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I,” (Psalm 61:2).
With a faint heart, I cry out to You, O Lord. My flesh wants to appear stronger than I am. I want to think of myself strong. But you are the Rock higher than I. You are the great foundation upon which I stand.
O Lord, You have made a way. My performance is not the rock, but I stand on the performance of Christ. My goodness is not the rock, but I stand on the goodness of Christ. My fruitfulness, holiness, and character is not the rock, but I stand on the fruitfulness, holiness, and character of Christ. He is my firm foundation.
I could find no righteousness in myself or my works, but you provided a way for me to find it apart from the keeping of the law, the imputed righteousness of Jesus (Romans 3:21-22). And, now, I stand upon it. Lead me to that rock.
You are stable, secure, and never changing. I move like the ocean’s tides, but you are faithful like they are. You keep your Word. You are perfect, so there will never be a change in You. You never need to change in your perfect grace and nature. Let me stand upon You.
And my heart does faint, O Lord. It struggles and twists and turns through life. Every new season of life is a lesson on how much I need you. Every time I think I am solid, I see again how I must be brought to the great Rock. You are the only immovable object in my life. You are my surest, and only sure, foundation.
Lead me to You afresh, O Lord. I must have Your work in me. Aid me. Bring me up. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Nate Holdridge
Nate Holdridge has served as senior pastor of Calvary Monterey on California’s central coast since 2008. Calvary’s vision is to see Jesus Famous. Nate teaches and writes with that aim at nateholdridge.com.
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