From Chapter 12: UNITED IN THE FIGHT
To Stand, the Believer Must Confess They Are in a War
Paul tells us who this war is with: Satan, rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, and spiritual forces of evil. Paul takes no time defending the reality of these forces. To him, their presence is undeniable.
He sees the affairs of man influenced by an unseen realm. Evil and wickedness are cultivated in the unseen and manifested in the corruption and wickedness we can see. Paul also refuses to define these forces. He might’ve borrowed terms from the Roman government to explain the organization of Satan—rulers, authorities, power, forces—but he does not attempt to give us a sharp definition of each. It is likely enough to know there is an unseen foe under the sway and leadership of the devil, a fallen being bent on destroying human lives.
To Stand, the Believer Must Confess They Are in a Spiritual War
We do not, as Paul says, wrestle against flesh and blood. The fight, no matter how much it may seem to be, is not against humans. The fight is not with what we can see. Our fight, the struggle to live in the paradise Paul has described in Ephesians, is with an unseen force. Education and legislation and justice are worthy pursuits, but they cannot win the war. The battle is fought in the spiritual dimension.
The gates and strategies of hell will not prevail against the church (Matt. 16:18), but even though we have a guarantee of collective victory, the church is attacked individually. Congregations and congregants must learn to stand in the face of Satan’s systematic and strategic advances. He has lost, but he will not surrender without a fight.
The Enemy Will Attack Us with Sin
John spoke of three temptations every human will drift toward, three ways in which the enemy will attack us (1 John 2:16).
The first is the desire of the flesh, the temptation to feel—bodily appetites will run amuck.
The second is the desire of the eyes, the temptation to have—a longing for more, a lack of contentment.
The third is the pride of life, the temptation to be—craving attention and reputation.
All of these temptations are avenues of attack. What I want to experience, what I want to acquire, and what I want to be are all potential pitfalls, vulnerable areas we could come under attack.
The Enemy Will Attack Us Within the Mind
Doubts and arguments will arise, and they must be taken captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). Not every thought originates with us, so we must know the Word of Christ to defeat thoughts that are out of line with the truth. In this realm, the enemy will pour on discouragement and condemnation, attempting to bring us into despair.
The Enemy Will Attack Us with Life
Trials and afflictions await us all, but the enemy of our souls has a mind to use them for evil, but God will use them for good (Rom. 8:28). The enemy will bring persecution and harm our way, so we must brace for it and stand. Additionally, he will introduce boredom with the Christian life to us, keeping us from any risks, any fruitfulness, or any faith. In our safety, we will grow dull. Attached to this, he will distract us with entertainment, ease, and a full schedule, shielding us from a life of fruitfulness and impact.
Our need in this spiritual war is to be strong in the Lord and the strength of His might. These schemes of the devil do not have to succeed. Our defeat is not inevitable. In Christ, we have all we need to stand victorious against his strategies. Do not believe, even for a moment, that you are destined to fail or fall. God does not have this plan for even one of His children. Instead, believe the mere presence of Paul’s announcement of this spiritual war is an indication that victory is possible. We are told of the war so we can win the war by the power of God.