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“…being born in the likeness of men…” (Philippians 2:7)

Christ has come! The glorious Son of God has been born as one of us. He adopted our frailty and weakness. He emptied himself to become one with us, and he knows our frame, that we are made of mere dust. He was tempted like we are, yet without any sin. Temptation pushed him to the limits, yet he did not yield for even a moment. He is the great God who became man.

And when he came, he came like us. Born into anonymity and poverty, he clutched to his mother for life and his father for provision. Like every baby, Jesus was dependent, in need of the tender love of Mary and Joseph.

As they served their son, they served the Son of God. Raising Jesus, they raised the Holy One who would one day be slaughtered by man before God. Thousands of bulls over hundreds of years had been sacrificed in Israel. They all pointed to this glorious child. He was the ultimate sacrifice without blemish or the stain of sin. In sinless perfection, he traveled the road to Mt. Calvary. The baby became a man, and the man would die for all men.

Christmastime is a beautiful part of the Christian year. Even without trees and lights and gifts, we have the greatest treasure of all. Christ has come. He has taken on humanness. He has become one of us so that he might save us from our sins.

Merry Christmas!

Nate Holdridge

Nate Holdridge has served as senior pastor of Calvary Monterey on California’s central coast since 2008. Calvary’s vision is to see Jesus Famous. Nate teaches and writes with that aim at