Recently, I attended a large pastor’s conference with church leaders from all over the world. During one of the allotted sessions, they held a question and answer session with senior…
Perhaps, after reading and studying Romans 7, you feel Paul has put the perfect words to your current struggle. There, he eloquently described our ongoing battle with indwelling sin. That…
Not counting little fender benders here and there, I have been in two major car accidents. Every day, I feel fortunate to be alive. In both collisions, however, I saw…
When the people of Israel returned from their captivity in Babylon, significant challenges awaited them. They had small numbers and resources, but big obstacles and enemies. To rebuild Jerusalem and…
Our culture is fascinated with new. We want the best, the most up to date, the latest in innovation. In some area of life, we long for newness. We crave…