Though Saul's house attempted to thwart David's rise, nothing could prevent it, for God are his plan is unstoppable.Introduction Theme: Though Saul’s house attempted to thwart David’s rise, nothing could…
Theme: Discouragement overtook David for a season of his life, giving us a glimpse into a life built on attitudes of despair. In Christ, we can overcome.
Theme: It is a mark of maturity and a work of the Spirit when a person internally wants what God wants. David, through the repetitive work of the Spirit, came to…
Theme: *God would go with David, allow David to be stripped of everything, and invite David to move forward, all of which would prepare David — just as they prepare…
Teaching notes for Sunday, January 28, 2018. Theme: Just as Israel ran in David’s victory, so do we run in Christ’s. By observing David, let us observe Christ, that we…
Theme: Though hard for us to believe, when we put our trust in Christ, He gives us an immovable position. This song highlights our radical position, along with the peace…