“No one is good except God alone.” — Jesus (Mark 10:18)
Christians believe God is good. We also believe He is omnipotent.
The combination of these beliefs has often been used as an argument God does not exist. In his book, The Doctrine of God, Norman Geisler states the normal argument of those who doubt God exists in this way:
- An all-good God would defeat evil.
- An all-powerful God can defeat evil.
- But evil is not defeated.
- There is no such God.
But, this argument misapplies the truth about God. Because He is all-good, and also all-powerful, we can have confidence in the future vanquishing of evil. It is only His good and powerful nature that gives us any hope at all for the decimation of wickedness.
Our argument is stated like this:
- An all-good God would defeat evil.
- An all-powerful God can defeat evil.
- But evil is not yet defeated.
- Therefore, all evil will one day be defeated.
There is no other option. Because God is who He is, evil must come to an end. Because He is good, He is inclined to see all that is bad is deleted. Because He is all-powerful, He can get the job done. So, with anticipation, we await this glorious event.
The cross of Christ has also aided us in this understanding, for at the cross Jesus was defeating sin, the devil, and the evil world system. He was unleashing the power of God onto the world. Forgiveness, redemption, and restoration are made possible by His blood.
But the implication of His first coming is that He’ll come again. He has defeated evil, and now people have an opportunity to believe Him and come into His forever family, but one day He will return to eliminate evil.
Yes, a good God would defeat evil and a powerful God can defeat evil. But it hasn’t yet been totally removed. Therefore we have confidence, because of His nature, that evil will be defeated.
Thank you, Jesus!

Nate Holdridge
Nate Holdridge has served as senior pastor of Calvary Monterey on California’s central coast since 2008. Calvary’s vision is to see Jesus Famous. Nate teaches and writes with that aim at nateholdridge.com.
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