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The Christ

Peter, along with every other child in Israel, had heard the stories of the coming Christ. God’s prophets had stopped speaking centuries earlier, but Jewish literature from the time in between the Old and New Testaments is filled with hopes and dreams for the coming of the Christ. And they stirred the region, people like Peter’s parents, to hope longingly for the Christ.

When would he come? What would he be like? When would this perfect king arrive?

Who Is He?

As readers of Mark’s gospel, we already know. Mark used his first words to introduce us to Jesus. His first words were: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1).

And the whole book of Mark has been building to this moment, the moment where the disciples will realize Jesus is the Christ. Let’s watch it unfold, learning for ourselves who Jesus is and what he came to do.

Jesus Is The Christ. (27-29)

27 And Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” 28 And they told him, “John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.”

An Ideal Location

The setting for this encounter was ideal. Caesarea Philippi had quite a backstory. It was called Caesarea in honor of Rome’s Caesar.

Before it’s reestablishment, it had been known as Paneas, in honor of the Greek god.

And one of the Jordan river’s major tributaries started in that cave.

So, there, in a region known for its worship of Caesar, its devotion to the Greek gods and way of thinking, and its history with the God of Israel, Jesus asks his questions. First, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” (27). There’s Caesar. There’s the shadow of Greek mythology. There’s the God of the Old Testament. But who do people say I am?

John the Baptist, Elijah, and all the prophets pointed to Jesus. But no one thought that way at that time. None of the popular concepts of Jesus had anything to do with him being the Christ. They all thought highly of Jesus, but none of them thought he was the long-awaited Messiah, the descendant of David, who would again sit on Israel’s throne.

These misperceptions about Jesus are made clearer when we consider that no one in Mark’s gospel has thought of Jesus as the Christ yet. The crowds are confused. The disciples are considering his identity. And the religious leaders have made up their minds against Jesus. At this point, only the demons have gotten Jesus right, three times claiming he is the Holy One of God or the Son of God (Mark 1:24, 3:11, 5:7). But everyone else is still in the dark. Still on the outside.

The Importance Of Other People’s Opinions

But why did Jesus ask the disciples about the opinions of others? Jesus wasn’t insecure. He didn’t need to be liked. And he had ready access to this information. So why did he want them to state the positions of the crowds?

Perhaps Jesus wanted to nudge them toward declaring their own convictions about him, and this is a good first step in that direction.

It also might have been a way for Jesus to get them thinking.

But it also likely had a preparatory effect on these men. They needed to believe (and preach) things about Jesus that were unpopular, things that put them in the minority.

29 And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.”

The Question

Once they stated how others thought about Jesus, he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” (29). Now that you’ve told me how everyone thinks about me, now that you’ve considered their claims and convictions, who do you say I am? What are your convictions? You’ve been with me all this time. Who am I?

This question is an all-important one.

Who is Jesus? Why did he come? Who do you say Jesus is? This is the central question of Mark’s book and the central question of the gospel. Who is Jesus?

Peter’s Answer

Peter answered (29). For good or bad, he was often a spokesperson for the whole group of disciples. God had made him the leader. His answer: “You are the Christ” (29).

From the cradle, Peter had heard stories of the coming Christ. The descendant of David. The King. The final prophet. The one with the glorious kingdom. The anointed one. The great rescuer.

And, now, Peter is ready. He confesses.

You are the Christ. You are that One for whom we’ve waited. You are the One who will lift us from our despair and bring us into glory. You are the One who will fulfill God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Jeremiah said the days would come when God would raise up for David a righteous Branch who would reign as king, deal wisely, and execute justice and righteousness in the land. In his days, we would all be saved and dwell securely (Jeremiah 23:5-6). You are that Branch!

Isaiah said the Spirit of the Lord would be on that offshoot, that branch of David. He would have wisdom and understanding, counsel and might, knowledge and the fear of God. He will judge the earth with righteousness, deciding with equity for the meek of the earth. Righteousness will be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins. Great peace will come when he comes, and the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11:1-9). You are that glorious person!

I know who you are, Jesus. Others think you’re John or Elijah or a prophet, but I know who you are. Nathan the prophet, told David that God would raise up a descendant of his to establish a forever throne with a forever kingdom (2 Samuel 7:1-17). You are that descendant, Jesus! You are the Christ.

The Christ Must Be Killed. (30-31)

30 And he strictly charged them to tell no one about him. 31 And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again.

The Order Of Silence

All this is shocking. He strictly charged them to tell no one about him (30). At that point, he didn’t want them telling anyone he was the Christ. Why?

He Started A New Teaching

The reason he exhorted them to silence is found in the new teaching he began to give them, that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again (31). This was not at all the way they thought of the Christ, the Messiah. They thought he came to conquer, not suffer. They saw him as a victor, not a victim. They thought he would be widely received, not widely rejected. They thought he would kill, not be killed.

If they had gone out from Caesarea Philippi broadcasting that the Christ had come, the whole region would’ve had the wrong idea about Jesus. He will fulfill all the prophecies of Davidic glory when he comes again, but his first coming would end with death and resurrection.


And notice how Jesus announced his suffering and death. He began to teach them that he must suffer many things, be rejected, and be killed (31). The religious leaders — elders, chief priests, and scribes — would conspire to end him. He would not grow old and die a natural death. He would be killed.

But Jesus didn’t say this would happen, but that this must happen. It had to occur. There was no other way. This was his Father’s will. He was compelled to do it. But why did Jesus have to die? Why did he have to suffer? Why did Jesus think he must be killed? Let me suggest three reasons.

First, Jesus had to suffer and be killed because the Old Testament had predicted it.

Second, Jesus had to suffer and be killed because God’s nature demanded it.

Third, Jesus had to suffer and be killed because we needed it.

Yes, this is the great love of God.

But all this was new for the disciples, so Jesus began teaching them about his coming death and resurrection.

And Humanity Struggles With This Message. (32-33)

32 And he said this plainly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. 33 But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”

Why Peter Rebuked Jesus.

Now, remember, Peter had many preconceived ideas about the Christ.

So, here, when he heard the plain teaching from Jesus that he would suffer and be killed, Peter could take it no more (32). He took Jesus aside and started to rebuke him (32).

A Rebuke For Everyone

Jesus saw Peter was not alone. He turned and saw all his disciples standing there approving of Peter’s reproof (33). He had to rebuke Peter — and all of them — for Peter’s rebuke. So with stern words, he said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man” (33).

It doesn’t get much stronger than this. To avoid the cross is Satanic in nature. It is not the way God thinks, but the way man thinks, and Jesus needed to rebuke the concept straight away.

A Mind Set On The Things Of Man

All book long, Mark has wanted us to wonder, Who is this man? And, now, we have our answer. Jesus is the long-awaited Messiah.

But the Christ must be killed. Jesus is the Christ, but because of sin, in order to do all the glorious things promised in the pages of the Old Testament, he would have to suffer and be killed.

And humanity struggles with this message. When we set our minds on the things of man, we are repulsed at the idea we are so lost that God had to die in our place. We hate the idea that we are under wrath without the cross.

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Corinthians 1:18, ESV)

Always remember this: the message of Satanic origin which appeals to the soul of man is that the cross is foolishness.

But the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central message of Christianity.

It was not popular when they preached it. It is not popular today. And it has never been popular anywhere at any time. It is always the minority — usually the extreme minority — view.

Silence Until The Cross Comes Home For You

But the importance of the cross is the reason Peter needed to be quiet. Until he recognized the centrality of Jesus’ cross, he didn’t have Christianity. All he could do was regurgitate the things of man with no benefit to his hearers.

The apostles would would eventually say, with Paul, “Far be it from (us) to glory in anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:14). This is a test for true Christianity. Do you think highly of the cross? Do you glory in it? Or are you offended by it? Do you despise its message?

Only the one who celebrates the cross has true Christianity.

So, who is this man? The Christ. And the Christ must be killed. But mankind hates this message. Let’s allow ourselves to love it.

Nate Holdridge

Nate Holdridge has served as senior pastor of Calvary Monterey on California’s central coast since 2008. Calvary’s vision is to see Jesus Famous. Nate teaches and writes with that aim at

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