Elizabeth Committed Herself to God When It Didn’t Make Sense (Luke 1:4-7, 24-25)
Here we have Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah (5). Zechariah was active as a priest. Both of them belonged to the family line of the priests. And both of them…
Six Marks of a Christ-Follower, Part 2 (Mark 12:35-40)
At the beginning of Mark's gospel, there is a familiar and beautiful episode. Jesus walked on the shore of Galilee and saw Peter, Andrew, James, and John engaged in fishermen’s…
Nate HoldridgeNovember 30, 2023
Knowing God 10—God Tests—Exodus 15:22-17:7
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 10—God Tests—Exodus 15:22-17:7
Nate HoldridgeNovember 26, 2023
Knowing God 09—God’s Song—Exodus 15:1-21
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 09—God's Song—Exodus 15:1-21
Nate HoldridgeNovember 19, 2023
Six Marks of a Christ-Follower, Part 1 (Mark 12:35-40)
At the beginning of Mark's gospel, there is a familiar and beautiful episode. Jesus walked on the shore of Galilee and saw Peter, Andrew, James, and John engaged in fishermen’s…
Nate HoldridgeNovember 16, 2023
Knowing God 08—God Saves—Exodus 13:17-14:31
Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 08—God Saves—Exodus 13:17-14:31
Nate HoldridgeNovember 12, 2023
Jesus, the Son of David and the Son of God (Mark 12:35-37)
By this point in Mark, it is clear that Jesus is at odds with the religious leaders -- and they are certainly at odds with him! And, in our previous…
Nate HoldridgeNovember 9, 2023
Knowing God 07—God’s Passover—Exodus 11:1-13:16
Sermon Notes: Knowing God 07—God's Passover—Exodus 11:1-13:16
Nate HoldridgeNovember 5, 2023
The Second Most Important Thing in Life (Mark 12:31-34)
In the final week of Jesus' life before the cross, Jesus has just shared with an inquiring scribe that the greatest commandment is to love God. But there’s also a…
Nate HoldridgeNovember 2, 2023
Deciding—Not Only Desiring—To Be Strong in Him (Ephesians 6:10-20)
Today, my mind is on a particular insight in Paul's exhortations to the Ephesians about spiritual warfare (or, really, about life). He said we wrestle not against people but powers,…
Nate HoldridgeNovember 1, 2023
Knowing God 06—God’s Power—Exodus 7-10
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 06—God's Power—Exodus 7-10
Nate HoldridgeOctober 29, 2023
Commandment: Love Him (Mark 12:28-30)
Jesus said the greatest commandment begins with the God of Scripture -- and that we should "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul…
Nate HoldridgeOctober 26, 2023
Knowing God 05: God’s Plans (Exodus 6)
Sunday Teaching-—Knowing God 05: God's Plans (Exodus 6)
Nate HoldridgeOctober 22, 2023
The Most Important Thing in Life (Mark 12:28-30)
In the final week of Jesus' life before the cross, the religious leaders are attempting to build a case against him. Jesus has challenged them in the temple area, and…
Nate HoldridgeOctober 19, 2023
How Are Modern Progressive Christians Like the Sadducees? (Mark 12:18)
We recently considered the story of the Sadducees challenging Jesus in Mark 12 and saw how Jesus showed their error in neither knowing Scripture nor the power of God. I…
Nate HoldridgeOctober 12, 2023
Knowing God 04: God’s Son (Exodus 4:18-5:23)
Sunday Sermon-—Knowing God 04: God's Son (Exodus 4:18-5:23)
Nate HoldridgeOctober 8, 2023
Jesus Shows the Sadducees Why They Should Know the Word of God (Mark 12:18-27)
In our previous look at this passage, Jesus addressed why the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection or any life after death, were wrong in proposing this hypothetical…
Nate HoldridgeOctober 5, 2023
Knowing God #3: Never An Ornamental Extra (Exodus 3:13-4:17)
Sunday Sermon-—Knowing God:Never An Ornamental Extra (Exodus 3:13-4:17)
Nate HoldridgeOctober 1, 2023
Jesus Shows the Sadducees Why They Should Believe in the Power of God (Mark 12:18-27)
The Sadducees were another religious group from that era, but they were opposed to the Pharisees in almost every way. Jesus had some views in common with the Pharisees, but…
Nate HoldridgeSeptember 28, 2023
Knowing God 02: People Who Experience God’s Exodus (Exodus 2:11-3:12)
Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 02-—People Who Experience God's Exodus (Exodus 2:11-3:12)
Nate HoldridgeSeptember 24, 2023
Jesus Challenged about Government Oppression, Pt. 2 (Mark 12:13-17)
In part 1 of this article, we saw Herodians and Pharisees come together to challenge Jesus about Rome, about government oppression. They posed a question -- “Should we pay taxes…
Nate HoldridgeSeptember 21, 2023
Knowing God 01: His Presence (Exodus 1:1-2:10)
Sunday Sermon—Knowing God 01: His Presence (Exodus 1:1-2:10)
Nate HoldridgeSeptember 17, 2023
Jesus Challenged about Government Oppression, Pt. 1 (Mark 12:13-17)
We find ourselves in a place in Mark's gospel where the hostility toward Jesus is reaching its peak. Soon, the religious leaders will conspire with the Roman authorities to put…
Nate HoldridgeSeptember 14, 2023
The Parable of the Vineyard, Pt. 2 (Mark 12:6-12)
Jesus continued the conversation with the religious leaders who had come to question him by speaking to them in parables. Mark includes one of them, and it was centered around…
Nate HoldridgeSeptember 7, 2023
The Parable of the Vineyard, Pt. 1 (Mark 12:1-5)
Jesus continued the conversation with the religious leaders who had come to question him by speaking to them in parables. Mark includes one of them, and it was centered around…
Nate HoldridgeAugust 31, 2023
The Importance Of Reading Well (Psalm 19)
Sunday Sermon: The Importance Of Reading Well (Psalm 19)
Nate HoldridgeAugust 27, 2023
Jesus Came with Heaven’s Authority (Mark 11:27-33)
When Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem and passed the same fig tree that Jesus had cursed the day before, Peter saw that it had withered from the roots.…
Nate HoldridgeAugust 24, 2023
The Lesson of the Fig Tree (Mark 11:19-26)
When Jesus and his disciples returned to Jerusalem and passed the same fig tree that Jesus had cursed the day before, Peter saw that it had withered from the roots.…
Nate HoldridgeAugust 17, 2023
Coping With Extreme Pressure (Psalm 17)
Sunday Teaching: Coping With Extreme Pressure (Psalm 17)
Nate HoldridgeAugust 13, 2023
Adopt a Temple Theology (Mark 11:12-18)
Through Jesus’ expression of righteous anger by overthrowing the tables in the temple, he demonstrated how important it was for the temple to be kept holy. How does this apply…
Nate HoldridgeAugust 10, 2023
Jesus’ Righteous Anger (Mark 11:12-21)
In the passage before us, Jesus cursed a fig tree and overturned tables. He did not normally behave this way. Jesus did not customarily use miraculous power in destructive ways,…
Nate HoldridgeAugust 3, 2023
Summer Break
Hey everyone! We are starting summer break here at nateholdridge.com, picking back up in mid-August with posts and podcasts. I intend to use the time to recalibrate and reset my…
Nate HoldridgeJuly 13, 2023
Geoff Is The Man (Titus 2:2)
Sunday Sermon: Geoff Is The Man (Titus 2:2)-—retirement Sunday for Pastor Geoff Buck.
Nate HoldridgeJuly 9, 2023
Psalm 11—An Immoveable Confidence
Sermon Title: Psalm 11—An Immoveable Confidence
Nate HoldridgeJuly 2, 2023
Part 3: What Kind of King is Jesus? Long Awaited (Mark 11:8-11)
As Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem, his entrance is peculiar. Why did Jesus want to ride in on a young donkey? He'd gone to Jerusalem many times for various…
Nate HoldridgeJune 22, 2023
The Ministry of Christ 03—Luke 4:31-44—Authority
Sunday Sermon: The Ministry of Christ 03—Luke 4:31-44—Authority
Nate HoldridgeJune 18, 2023
Part 2: What Kind of King is Jesus? Meek (Mark 11:8)
Jesus' journey into Jerusalem wasn't only a fulfillment of prophecy, but a glimpse into his kingdom. You see, everything Jesus did that day of his arrival spoke of his royalty.…
Nate HoldridgeJune 15, 2023
How I Organize My Prayer Life
How I Organize My Prayer Life (Matthew 6:9-10) Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. —Matthew 6:9 Attributes of God—Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Eternity, Immutability, Goodness,…
Nate HoldridgeJune 13, 2023
The Ministry of Christ 02—Luke 4:16-30—Mission
Sunday Sermon: The Ministry of Christ 02—Luke 4:16-30—Mission
Nate HoldridgeJune 11, 2023
Part 1: What Kind of King is Jesus? In Control (Mark 11:1-7)
In our last look at Mark, we followed Jesus as he neared his death in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover feast. As Jesus neared the city, he did…
Nate HoldridgeJune 8, 2023
Blind Beggar Turned Disciple (Mark 10:46-52)
As they journeyed to Jerusalem where Jesus would face the events of the cross, he and the disciples passed through Jericho (46). On their way out of town, a crowd…
Nate HoldridgeJune 1, 2023