In the passage before us, Jesus cursed a fig tree and overturned tables. He did not normally behave this way. Jesus did not customarily use miraculous power in destructive ways,…
It is amazing how religious leaders would not answer Jesus' questions. He'd asked, Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or…
The section that we're entering into here in chapter 32 actually extends all the way through to chapter 34. We're not going to cover all three chapters in one sitting,…
Here, we learn Adam knew Eve, which is the Bible's way of saying they knew one another in the act of sex. As an aside, this should be instructive concerning…
“During this season, I am sharing video messages via social media with my church community and I would like to share them here with you as well. I hope that…
After reminding the Ephesians of what they had learned from Jesus, namely to put off the old and put on the new, Paul explained five areas to take off and…