As we open up our study of Exodus chapter 23, I'll remind you that we're really concluding a three-part series here on Exodus 21, 22, and 23. God is giving…
Hey everyone! I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I love this season. Thinking on Christ's coming into the darkness of humanity to save us always brings me joy. (1…
Jacob did many incredible things and has many incredible moments with God. But the moment that God chooses to define Jacob’s life of faith in Hebrews 11 might not be…
“The Bible has the answers,” they say. Knowing how messed up life and the world and relationships can be, you decide to read it. Perhaps, you think, you will find…
The prayer of Psalm 60 is for restoration. The people, due to a long period breaking God's covenant and commands, were experiencing the consequences of their sin. (2 Minutes/400 Words)
The author to the Hebrews knew a Christian life mixed with even the lightest persecution would be difficult. He imagined his audience, outcast Jewish Christians, no longer accepted in their…
Would you like to experience God's everywhere-blessing upon your life? Would you like to have His blessing within your soul and on your relationships? Would you like to see Him…
Arduous in every way, Ezra’s journey was about to commence. Pain, heartache, and difficulty awaited every traveler he'd recruited. Hundreds of miles and millions of enemies lay between them and…