Last week, John told us of three outworkings of the gospel in our lives -- love, obedience and belief. Today, John will give us three witnesses to the gospel's truthfulness.…
Today here in chapter 16, we're looking at the Day of Atonement, commonly in modern times thought of as Yom Kippor. This was the most important day of the Jewish…
Hey, Calvary family. Thanks for joining us in our study through the book of Exodus. Today we're in Exodus chapters 12 and 13. There is tension now in the text.…
In our last study in the Book of Exodus, we saw God begin the process of calling Moses to be the figurehead who would be the deliverer, the prophet, the…
Plague after plague rained down on Egypt. God made it obvious; He was the God of the Hebrews. His judgment released upon the Egyptian gods and their worshipers and the…
None of the gospel writers tried to do it. They could have, but Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John never attempted to describe Jesus' outward appearance. Jesus' words, actions, and passion…
Paul went on to detail three disadvantages the nations (the non-Jewish world) were under before Christ came and died on His cross. He attached an exhortation to these disadvantages —…