This little proverb has much to say about how to be wise. First, it suggests that wise people know that they have much to learn. A child lacking all the…
Christina and I are in a season of preparation, readying ourselves for the inevitable departure into adulthood of all our daughters. With our first recently off to college, we have…
Human efforts for cleanness produce hypocrisy. Why? Because we can't really change ourselves, because the problem is with the heart. (4 Minutes/900 Words)
Good parents realize their kids don't yet have the maturity required to make healthy nutritional choices. As the adult in the room, they give proper guidance and boundaries until the…
Every person on earth is shaped in some way by his or her father. While a male will contribute to a pregnancy, a father contributes to a legacy. Like the…
John has warned throughout his whole letter of the danger of following the spirit of the antichrist. He's told us Jesus is God the Son who came in the flesh,…
John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world…
In our last few studies of 1 John, we celebrated the glorious truth that God loves us so much that He decided to call all believers His children. In this…
John was clear: whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. From the beginning of the devil's rebellion against…
Nehemiah was a man on a mission. He lived during a time in the Old Testament era when God's people weren't doing well. God had to discipline His people, so…
"...For to such (people like children) belongs the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14b). What does this mean? To answer this question, we must recall how the disciples felt about Jesus,…
I've read and heard many -- contradictory -- interpretations of what Jesus meant. Scholars and pastors run wild with the child analogy Jesus used. I understand. It is tempting to…
Many parents are completely unprepared when it comes time to raise, not their little children, but raising young adult children. The goal during their adolescent years should be to teach…
Many parents are completely blindsided by the teenage years. What they aren't prepared for is the difference between raising children and adolescents. The goal for each is different, and the…
When a child grows into adolescence, they begin seeing their parents in a new light. During their younger years, mom or dad was right and true, a source of illumination…
You and I are called to a great and incredible work. The building of love of family and the raising of a child are incomparably exciting endeavors. Should God in…
Would you like to experience God's everywhere-blessing upon your life? Would you like to have His blessing within your soul and on your relationships? Would you like to see Him…
One might read Paul’s words to Christian children in Ephesians 6:1-3, particularly his exhortation to obey their parents, and wonder if the Christian home is a cold and harsh place…
Paul had a vision of the church as a body. Individual members, marriages, and households comprised this living, breathing organism. He envisioned and exalted and enthroned Christ as the head…
Modern parents can learn much about their role by learning how the apostles led the early church. They considered their role a parental one, for they were spiritual fathers caring…
The believers in Antioch were far different from the culture they lived in. Because they lived in an environment without a connection to Judaism like the church in Jerusalem had…
The authors of the New Testament, or the entire Bible for that matter, were not oblivious to the hard conditions found amongst humanity. They were conscious of the turmoil and…
When Christina and I met there were no children in the picture. Eventually, after dating, engagement, a wedding, and a brief time of marriage, children came along...5 Minutes / 1100…
Kids ask questions, or at least they want to. Sometimes the questions drive a parent batty — “When do we get there?” — but often the questions provide moments for…
Are you a dad who is a life giving stream to your children? Paul warns all fathers not to provoke their children. In this post I write about 4 ways:Develop…