Our episode today provides a significant contrast with the glory of the mount of transfiguration. All the gospel writers are careful to record the stories together. They wanted us to…
At this point, Satan had Eve teed up. He had planted the seeds of doubt in God and in God's word. She was ready for destruction, primed for manipulation. (4…
In our last few studies of 1 John, we celebrated the glorious truth that God loves us so much that He decided to call all believers His children. In this…
Here, after our previous study of the children and fathers, we have the young men. They represent that great middle section of the Christian life. The children enjoy being forgiven.…
“The Bible has the answers,” they say. Knowing how messed up life and the world and relationships can be, you decide to read it. Perhaps, you think, you will find…
Christians believe God is good. We also believe He is omnipotent. The combination of these beliefs has often been used as an argument God does not exist. (1 Minute/300 Words)
God can save anybody. If you are a Christian, you know it's true. God can reach into any life and heal their brokenness and forgive their sin. Often, though, what…
Creeping, slowly and steadily, unbelief was ready to pounce on the early Jewish believers. They were, after all, outcasts in their culture, for their acceptance of Jesus as Messiah made…