To Simeon, nothing about this morning felt any different than thousands of mornings. A rooster crowed in the distance. The predawn light revealed the shape of the darkened hills. The…
Our episode today provides a significant contrast with the glory of the mount of transfiguration. All the gospel writers are careful to record the stories together. They wanted us to…
This little proverb has much to say about how to be wise. First, it suggests that wise people know that they have much to learn. A child lacking all the…
When Jesus referred to "every branch that does bear fruit," he was alluding to all true believers. Every true believer in Christ is cleansed and pruned by the Father so…
Last week, John told us of three outworkings of the gospel in our lives -- love, obedience and belief. Today, John will give us three witnesses to the gospel's truthfulness.…
John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world…
When John wrote his gospel, he used a fascinating title when speaking of himself. He called himself, often, the disciple whom Jesus loved. (7 Minutes/1700 Words)
Today, we will look at the third, fourth, and fifth lessons from the passage 1 John 3:11-18, on how to love, especially how to love God's people. (7 Minutes/1700 Words)
John was clear: whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. From the beginning of the devil's rebellion against…
We were created to have dominion, God said. The idea was beautiful and simple. By His sovereign will, God created. He spoke things into existence. His Word divided water and…
John was clear. The church he wrote to **knew the truth** (21). They had not partaken in the **lie** floating around at that time (21). And it's a lie still…
John has shown us what worldliness looks like. These three temptations have had their way with us for humanity's entire existence. Perhaps you thought of this in looking at all…
So far we have studied the **desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes**. Lastly, John mentions **the pride of life.** Other translations call this *the pride of…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Nehemiah was a man on a mission. He lived during a time in the Old Testament era when God's people weren't doing well. God had to discipline His people, so…
You may have noticed how John continually says, "we." We heard. We have seen. We proclaim to you. This was John's way of speaking for the apostolic group. They'd all…
John was clear. The church he wrote to **knew the truth** (21). They had not partaken in the **lie** floating around at that time (21). And it's a lie still…
The funny thing about fathering is that even though the influence is so great and the responsibility so intense, billions of us have done it. Some have fathered well and…
God is Father to every believer in Christ. As "Abba, Father," He loves to hear His people. He never tires of our concerns. He invites us to cast all our…
One might read Paul’s words to Christian children in Ephesians 6:1-3, particularly his exhortation to obey their parents, and wonder if the Christian home is a cold and harsh place…
King David was not King Hezekiah’s dad, not even close. Though they were related, Hezekiah was over a dozen generations removed from David, hundreds of years separated the men and…
Paul, wanting to urge the church to walk in the Father’s light, uses a quotation to exhort his readers. Many think the quote is a mashup of a few exhortations…
Paul has just instructed his readers to imitate the love of God as demonstrated in the sacrificial cross of Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2). Our love is to be one which lays…
Buck the dog, in Jack London’s classic *The Call Of The Wild*, had grown up in lazy and sunny Northern California. He had lived what many would call the good…
Paul dreamed of the church. In so doing, he introduced a beautiful truth: the universal church is one because the Triune God is one. (3 Minutes / 500 Words)