Knowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27 Sunday TeachingsKnowing God Knowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27 Sunday Teaching: Knowing God 11—God Prepares—Exodus 17:8-18:27Nate HoldridgeDecember 10, 2023
Christian Life The Prizeworthy Gift From God (Jeremiah 45) I like to run trails, but I'm not fast. I'm friends with some runners I could never keep up with and, if they wanted to, they could leave me behind…Nate HoldridgeJune 25, 2019
Christian Life How to Combat Mission Fatigue (Nehemiah 4:14) A point comes in any church's life where atrophy sets in. The passion and joy and labor begin to dry up as people begin to grow discouraged in the mission.…Nate HoldridgeMarch 6, 2019