There, in the garden, we discover God's original intention. It is something beautiful that the gospel of Jesus Christ and the constant ministry of the Holy Spirit can continually restore…
As a reminder, we're here in the book of Exodus, in the middle of a three-chapter section where the people of Israel first rebelled in building the golden calf while…
John has shown us what worldliness looks like. These three temptations have had their way with us for humanity's entire existence. Perhaps you thought of this in looking at all…
So far we have studied the **desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes**. Lastly, John mentions **the pride of life.** Other translations call this *the pride of…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Bullets fly. Missiles launch. Strategies develop. Soldiers deploy. All this, because war is on. Blood, death, and danger. An enemy assaults. Subjection is the goal. This is the image Peter…
Ready. Set. Go. The people of Israel, during Hosea's prophetic work, were primed and prepared for rebellion. Their hearts, like a preheated oven ready to bake, were predisposed to chase…
Perhaps, when thinking of that old life of spiritual deadness, believers might remember themselves as brimming with originality. But it would be wrong to think this way, for our past…
Power. Might. Strength. There is a brand of power that is human. There is also a power that belongs to God. Our text calls it “surpassing power.” I am born…