Right away, with his first words, Mark shows us his hand concerning Jesus. He tells us what he thinks of Christ. He is **the Son of God**. All through the…
The study of Mark, or any other of the gospels in the New Testament, should lead us beyond mere learning or curiosity. We should not approach them as a way…
Last week, John told us of three outworkings of the gospel in our lives -- love, obedience and belief. Today, John will give us three witnesses to the gospel's truthfulness.…
John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world…
John was clear. The church he wrote to **knew the truth** (21). They had not partaken in the **lie** floating around at that time (21). And it's a lie still…
As we saw in last week's introductory 1 John post, false teachers had crept into the early church. John could not stand idly by and let these deceivers talk about…
As Jesus and his disciples journeyed to Jerusalem, they passed through **Jericho**. He was on his way to die. A **blind beggar** named Bartimaeus sat on the roadside, collecting anything…
John was clear. The church he wrote to **knew the truth** (21). They had not partaken in the **lie** floating around at that time (21). And it's a lie still…
In our last study in Mark, we followed Jesus as he neared his death in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover feast. The disciples were afraid and amazed at…
As everyone is aware, we are in a divisive presidential election season. Though I love my country and consider myself blessed to be a citizen here, as a senior pastor,…
Sometimes God's people must take a risk. Consider Timothy (Acts 16:1-5). Paul and Barnabas were no longer a team. So Paul needed a new ministry companion and trainee. He went…
In this three-part series, we are going to explore this question: What kind of people enter into God's kingdom? We are going to ask this because the first time Jesus…
“The Bible has the answers,” they say. Knowing how messed up life and the world and relationships can be, you decide to read it. Perhaps, you think, you will find…
What authority have we been given? The authority to go into all the world and broadcast the gospel message. Jesus has given believers authority, not for us to brag or…
With the beginning of Jesus' preaching ministry, we have a conclusion, of sorts, to Mark's introduction. He had said, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of…
We pray this conversation equips you, edifies you, and challenges you. In this conversation Pastor Nate Holdridge listens to Pastor Bill Buffington from Calvary Chapel Inglewood about all the civil…
It all starts with the Gospel. Far too much teaching on the life of a Christian man centers around the actions of his life instead of on the heart that…
Much preaching today appeals to your dreams. In these sermons, there are three characters -- a dreamer, haters, and a dream maker. (1 Minute/300 Words)
As we enter into March, I am filled with hope and joy regarding God's work here on the Monterey Peninsula. I believe he is working in powerful ways, and some…
In moving through these songs of ascents, one can imagine the pilgrim. He has sung various songs, traveled along the path, and has approached Jerusalem. He is starting now to…
God can save anybody. If you are a Christian, you know it's true. God can reach into any life and heal their brokenness and forgive their sin. Often, though, what…
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. Our fight is in the spiritual dimension and realm. The nations and generations are under the sway and delusions of the wicked one.…
To win the spiritual war, we must put on Christ's war-clothes. Paul lists six pieces of the spiritual armor. Paul was, remember, imprisoned as he wrote. He had seen Romans…
Paul went on to detail three disadvantages the nations (the non-Jewish world) were under before Christ came and died on His cross. He attached an exhortation to these disadvantages —…
The authors of the New Testament, or the entire Bible for that matter, were not oblivious to the hard conditions found amongst humanity. They were conscious of the turmoil and…
We have now observed why God saved us, but what did God do to rescue us from our previous condition? Spiritually dead, followers in every way, and under the judgment…
Up to this point in our passage, Paul has explained to us the utter lostness of humanity (see Ephesians 2:1-3). We were dead. We were followers. We were children of…
The opposite of God’s wrath is not God’s love, but God's apathy, and God cannot be apathetic. His wrath flows from His love, for He hates what sin does to…
Perhaps, when thinking of that old life of spiritual deadness, believers might remember themselves as brimming with originality. But it would be wrong to think this way, for our past…