In his ethical defense of the gospel in this passage written for the Galatians, Paul gives them, and us, several ways to protect and enjoy our freedom in Christ: by…
Today, we finish looking at Paul’s illustration using the story of Sarah and Hagar, which he used to show the struggle between law and grace for the Galatians. Let’s look…
Through this passage over the past couple of weeks, we’ve examined two reasons the gospel of grace transfers us from curse to blessing: it shows us the way of faith…
How can someone enjoy and experience God? How can we become fully human as God intended? How can we be released from paralyzing guilt and shame? How can we attain…
Sunday Sermon: Knowing God 17—God's Presence—Exodus 35-40In this Calvary Monterey sermon, our final study of Exodus, we delve into "Knowing God 17—God's Presence—Exodus 35-40." This sermon takes us on a…
To Simeon, nothing about this morning felt any different than thousands of mornings. A rooster crowed in the distance. The predawn light revealed the shape of the darkened hills. The…
As an understandable bitterness of soul abounded, and as David became an isolated and endangered man, David went to the only place he could. He turned to God. (2 Minutes/400…
Anyone can partake of Christ, but everyone who does must come with an expectation of grace. If you come with demands built on your own worthiness, if you come with…
Mark sets up our next scene by pointing out two separate groups, Jesus' family and the scribes. But before looking at each group and their response to Christ, Mark is…
As we continue our study of Mark, it is becoming evident that Jesus' way is far different than that of the religious leaders who came before him. He offered forgiveness…