The heart of the Christian life is faith. We begin by trusting Christ for our justification, but we continue on by faith. The author of Hebrews knew this and laid…
In the Old Testament era, there was a priesthood. They existed to serve and worship God, but also to facilitate the worship of others. They were focused on God, but…
Did you know that God created humanity to be in control? When in times of chaos and upheaval, it's hard to imagine, but the world was supposed to be in…
Pat Benatar sang, "love is a battlefield." OK. But I think life is a battlefield. The pressures, the attacks, the deadlines, the struggles: they feel like war. Bullets flying, missiles…
I have many friends in Christ who, growing up, had terrible families. It has always fascinated me how they gravitate to their new family in Christ with such appreciation. For…
Plague after plague rained down on Egypt. God made it obvious; He was the God of the Hebrews. His judgment released upon the Egyptian gods and their worshipers and the…
When God looks at His people, He often sees things we cannot see in ourselves. Through a lens of grace, God knows His children. He looked with grace upon many…
Hebrews addressed believers who were losing their place of privilege in society. They'd begun to experience mistreatment for their connection to Jesus. Like Moses, they were driven from a comfortable…
A Pharaoh arose who didn't remember Joseph and didn't favor the people of Israel. The years ticked by, and the small family of Jacob had grown 2-3 million strong. Fearing…
He was loved and favored by his father. Everyone knew it. Younger than the rest, his dad gave him a coat of many colors. It implied, "Joseph is in charge.…
The author to the Hebrews knew a Christian life mixed with even the lightest persecution would be difficult. He imagined his audience, outcast Jewish Christians, no longer accepted in their…
The author of Hebrews longed for his readers to live by faith. As Jewish people who'd received Jesus as Messiah-Christ, they were in for ostracization and persecution. The church community…
We praise Abraham for his faith in God. We don't call him the father of faith for nothing. And, as the author to the Hebrews tried to urge his readers…
In the middle of this great chapter on faith, the author of Hebrews pauses to give a recap. He has already covered creation, Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and Sarah. He…
"Sarah herself received power to conceive." It is an exhilarating statement. In her old age, Abraham's wife received God's power for the impossible by faith. She came to trust God,…
Abraham was the hero of Israel, so his inclusion in the Hebrews 11 chapter on faith was vital to the original Hebrew readers. By the time of Christ, many thought…
I'd get it if Noah objected. He didn't live near a large body of water. The earth likely hadn't produced any rain by the time he came around. We'd understand…
The next character in our Hebrews 11 list of faith-walkers was a mysterious man named Enoch. Enoch was the seventh from Adam and, due to the long lifespans of the…
In his treatise on faith, the author of Hebrews will dissect the outworkings of faith in Old Testament characters. After detailing the creation account (Hebrews 11:3), he moved to his…
We learn right away, in this chapter, that though faith will often go above our human reasoning, it is not unreasonable. For a belief in a Creator God is logical.…
We've got one life to live, one shot at living by faith. We won't need faith in heaven. There, with God, we'll walk by sight. But the author of Hebrews…
On Israel's ancient Day of Atonement, the high priest, after sacrificing for his own sins, did three things. First, he offered a sacrifice for the sins of the people. Second,…
I'm sure you always read the full agreement you make with various companies to use their software and hardware. A recent Apple software license agreement is 451 pages long. And…
Disneyland trademarked it first, but Gianni's Pizza is the real "happiest place on earth." I was raised on the stuff. I drive up and can smell the pies baking a…
No one is like Jesus. I have never known anyone as impressive as him. My Savior, he is also my guide, friend, leader, counselor, teacher, financial planner, advisor, coach, helper,…
Creeping, slowly and steadily, unbelief was ready to pounce on the early Jewish believers. They were, after all, outcasts in their culture, for their acceptance of Jesus as Messiah made…
Jesus Christ is currently in glory, in a dimension we refer to as "up there" or "heaven" or "God's throne room," but impossible for us to fathom. From that reality,…