Human efforts for cleanness produce hypocrisy. Why? Because we can't really change ourselves, because the problem is with the heart. (4 Minutes/900 Words)
Many modern people think Jesus used parables to make everything clearer. As we will see today, Jesus did not use parables that way. They were not a preaching trick for…
Mark rarely quotes from the Old Testament Scriptures. When he does quote them, it is only the characters of the particular episode -- usually Jesus -- quoting them. (3 Minutes/800…
This is not the title I normally use of Jesus. Perhaps I've developed an allergy to the title after hearing many say, "Jesus was a good teacher, a prophet, but…
In our last study in Mark, we followed Jesus as he neared his death in Jerusalem at the time of the Passover feast. The disciples were afraid and amazed at…
Hezekiah was an excellent king of Judah. A descendant of David, he bore similar traits to his ancestor in that he worshipped God and delighted in God's law. At one…
Have you ever been presented with a report or news which floored you? Has an impossible situation ever been thrown in your lap? Have you ever been given news, a…
Paul, wanting to urge the church to walk in the Father’s light, uses a quotation to exhort his readers. Many think the quote is a mashup of a few exhortations…