This meeting on the mountaintop was an encouraging preview, but it was also an important conference. Jesus met there with Moses and Elijah. It had been centuries since both men…
The book of Galatians is one of Paul's earliest works. In it, he combatted the idea that faith plus works lead to salvation. He warned his audience about the danger…
During the six hours of torment on the cross, Jesus spoke sparingly—to his Father, those around him, the thief next to him, and, here in John 19, to his mother…
When Jesus referred to "every branch that does bear fruit," he was alluding to all true believers. Every true believer in Christ is cleansed and pruned by the Father so…
Our passage today will end with this statement: the apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught (Mark 6:30). It is one of only…
We know believers are called to "put on...patience" (Colossians 3:12). We know the Bible is filled with related words -- long-suffering, endurance, steadfastness, and waiting. But this waiting with patience…
Many parts of this week’s passage are familiar to us. Jesus is presented as being famous far and wide. People from everywhere all come to see Jesus. We know why…
Every person has guides who help them navigate life. All of us have authoritative voices that help us decide how to live. What the disciples of Jesus would quickly begin…
Now we come to the location which the first half of Mark's book centers around, the Sea of Galilee. In those days, and sometimes in the Bible, it was also…
With the beginning of Jesus' preaching ministry, we have a conclusion, of sorts, to Mark's introduction. He had said, "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of…
After setting the stage and telling us about John the Baptist, Mark immediately takes us to the inauguration of Jesus' earthly ministry. (6 Minutes/1600 Words)
Mark uses what most assume to be hyperbole to describe John's popularity. He said, “All the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being…
Mark rarely quotes from the Old Testament Scriptures. When he does quote them, it is only the characters of the particular episode -- usually Jesus -- quoting them. (3 Minutes/800…
John has warned throughout his whole letter of the danger of following the spirit of the antichrist. He's told us Jesus is God the Son who came in the flesh,…
In the final stretch of his letter, John used the phrase "we know" a few times to recap everything he's taught up to this point. There's John again, certain and…
Good doctrine leads to healthy action, and John believed his teaching would lead his audience to a life of confidence before God. And this is how he approached the end…
Last week, John told us of three outworkings of the gospel in our lives -- love, obedience and belief. Today, John will give us three witnesses to the gospel's truthfulness.…
John knew the truthfulness of the gospel message and watched Jesus' life, and heard His teaching. He witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection and had seen the gospel flood the world…
In this section of 1 John, we are learning to let God's love have its perfect work in us (1 John 4:13-21). Last week we considered the importance of growing…
When John wrote his gospel, he used a fascinating title when speaking of himself. He called himself, often, the disciple whom Jesus loved. (7 Minutes/1700 Words)
Last week we considered the importance of not believing every message we hear, but testing them to see if they are from God (1 John 4:1). Today we will look…
John thought of God like a great mountain from which life flows. He is the source of life. Love and light and truth and righteousness all flow from Him. (4…
John has been helping us learn to deal with our hearts when they condemn us (3:19-20). He has shown us what happens when God sets our hearts free of condemnation…
At this point in his letter, John knew his readers were ripe for feelings of condemnation. He'd written to them about believing in Jesus, obeying God, and loving other Christians.…
Today, in part three, we will look at the last two lessons, followed by some applications of the entire passage of 1 John 3:11-18. This passage gives us practical help…
Today, we will look at the third, fourth, and fifth lessons from the passage 1 John 3:11-18, on how to love, especially how to love God's people. (7 Minutes/1700 Words)
In our last few studies of 1 John, we celebrated the glorious truth that God loves us so much that He decided to call all believers His children. In this…
John was clear: whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. From the beginning of the devil's rebellion against…
The thought is astounding. One day, God's children will **be like** Jesus **when He appears** (2). This incredible fact follows John's logic well. If believers are born into God's family,…
We were created to have dominion, God said. The idea was beautiful and simple. By His sovereign will, God created. He spoke things into existence. His Word divided water and…
John wants us to, first, consider the season we are in. Second, he wants us to confess Jesus as the Son. Third, and finally, we learn in these verses, he…
John was clear. The church he wrote to **knew the truth** (21). They had not partaken in the **lie** floating around at that time (21). And it's a lie still…
John has shown us what worldliness looks like. These three temptations have had their way with us for humanity's entire existence. Perhaps you thought of this in looking at all…
So far we have studied the **desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes**. Lastly, John mentions **the pride of life.** Other translations call this *the pride of…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Here, after our previous study of the children and fathers, we have the young men. They represent that great middle section of the Christian life. The children enjoy being forgiven.…
Nehemiah was a man on a mission. He lived during a time in the Old Testament era when God's people weren't doing well. God had to discipline His people, so…
Here, we have the final claim of this section. This man says he is in the light, where God is, but hates his brother (in Christ). The reality, John says,…
Here, we have the next claim. "Whoever says he abides in Him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked"(2:6). In this assertion, the person who said…
In 1 John 1, John ordered his writing by recording three claims. He started each with the phrase "if we say," followed by the claim. Here, in this passage, he…
At this point in John's letter, the readers may have felt he was singling them out. He had written about those who were walking in darkness, denying the presence of…
Here, John shows us God's light produces a chain reaction of grace. We see ourselves honestly, confess our sins, and He faithfully continues His work of sanctification, shaping and molding…