For many, Christmastime is a season to celebrate family and friendships, traditions and prosperity, kindness and generosity. But a select few refuse to let the goodness of these elements mask…
As we stand on the precipice of a new year, we are bound to look back upon our current one. We might discover darkness and difficulty, pain and agony. We…
David was a God-hearted man, and his defeat of Goliath was evidence of his deep love and reverence for the Lord. David believed in God when no one else would…
In our passage today, we will observe "Jesus Christ and him crucified." It is a stunning event, one we will continue to mine at our Good Friday service -- and…
Joseph, the ultimate rags to riches story. One day in prison, the next day on the throne. Unknown to Egypt, then announced to the land as the right-hand man of…
The scene was set, the drama intense. For years, Joseph had lived in Egypt, unbeknownst to his family. Finally, through God's Providence, they were brought back together. And Joseph, in…
John wants us to, first, consider the season we are in. Second, he wants us to confess Jesus as the Son. Third, and finally, we learn in these verses, he…
Hey everyone, thanks for joining us as we continue our study through the bible. And today, we're beginning our study of the book of Exodus. Now the book of Exodus…
Joseph, the youngest son of Jacob, was favored by his father. So much so, he was given a position of power and privilege over his older brothers. God favored Joseph…
Thanks for joining me on this study through the Book of Genesis. If you get out your Bible or turn to Genesis chapter 47, we're continuing to look at the…
"...For to such (people like children) belongs the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14b). What does this mean? To answer this question, we must recall how the disciples felt about Jesus,…
In the ultimate Rags to Riches story- Joseph, was the second most powerful man in the entire world. And it appeared that overnight he had turned into this incredible man,…
Welcome to our Tuesday Night Church Through the Bible Teaching and Study. Right now, we're in the book of Genesis and nearing the end of the book of Genesis, actually.…
Right now, we’re continuing our journey through the life of Joseph here in Genesis chapter 42 is where we’ll pick up the teaching today. The situation, of course, was laid…
Our responses to crisis reveal our beliefs about God. For some of us, we’re experiencing the tension that comes through the revealing process right now! But now is the time…
A Pharaoh arose who didn't remember Joseph and didn't favor the people of Israel. The years ticked by, and the small family of Jacob had grown 2-3 million strong. Fearing…
Christmas is a time of giving, and it should be, for it was at the first Christmas a Son was given. Notice the angel's word to Joseph regarding Mary, "She…
Ancient Israelites didn't have a romanticized view of shepherds. Their life was not glamorized or coveted. But someone had to do the job, and outside of Bethlehem during the year…
He was loved and favored by his father. Everyone knew it. Younger than the rest, his dad gave him a coat of many colors. It implied, "Joseph is in charge.…
The author to the Hebrews knew a Christian life mixed with even the lightest persecution would be difficult. He imagined his audience, outcast Jewish Christians, no longer accepted in their…
Life ain't easy, especially if you're Joseph. Favored by his dad, and subsequently hated by his brothers, he was sold into slavery when only a young man. He fought for…