Who doesn’t love a good chase scene? It seems each generation of movie directors ups the previous one with grander and longer and edgier chase scenes than ever before. A…
The oneness of men and women in marriage, in a mysterious way, hints at an important truth. In the same way husbands and wives become one, so also Christ and…
Job, the sufferer. Christians shudder when they pick up his tale. A man at ease, and then the ease evaporated. Pain and misery flooded in. A human tested. (3 Minutes/400…
Paul continued his exhortation to Christian husbands by pointing to the oneness married couples have with one another. They are one flesh, made so by God. Paul went back to…
In speaking to husbands regarding the need for sacrificial love for their brides, Paul continued to hold out Jesus as their example. Jesus loves His church by sanctifying her, washing…
That Paul does not have a brutal or tyrannical marriage relationship in mind when he exhorts the wife to submit to her husband is evident in this next section. The…
Paul has just instructed his readers to imitate the love of God as demonstrated in the sacrificial cross of Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2). Our love is to be one which lays…
Like smoke’s residue, the stench of his rebellion clung to him. The waves and billows of David's sin had pushed him to the floor. He felt unable to stand. (500…
No two people are alike, and if by some miracle they are, they won’t automatically like each other for it. We are people with brokenness, sinful desires, and bad histories,…
The believers in Antioch were far different from the culture they lived in. Because they lived in an environment without a connection to Judaism like the church in Jerusalem had…
Paul concluded his prayer, and the first half of his letter to the Ephesians, by predicting the result of a people who've been united to the love of Christ: glory…
Paul, longing for the church to become fully united to the love of Christ, has prayed for the Spirit to build up our inner person and for Christ to settle…
Up to this point in our passage, Paul has explained to us the utter lostness of humanity (see Ephesians 2:1-3). We were dead. We were followers. We were children of…
Nehemiah quickly responded to the news from Hanani, the news of the brokenness of the city, with his own inward brokenness. The conditions in and around Jerusalem began to mirror…
Nehemiah quickly responded to the news from Hanani, the news of the brokenness of the city, with his own inward brokenness. The conditions in and around Jerusalem began to mirror…
Three times it had to be sung. Early in the romance, again close to the wedding date, and once more in their older years, the famed couple of the Song…
In Israel's heyday, to call someone 'dog' was an insult, not a stage name in the rap game. Some say the name ‘Caleb’ meant ‘dog.’ Well, not anymore. The Caleb…
“Better is.” What a phrase. It strikes me as final, bold. There is no waffling, no room for error. It firmly states the fact. There is a better life —…
This week at Calvary Monterey we studied Romans 13:1-14. Here are the four main takeaways:God instituted government (1-4)Christian’s are to live in subjection to their government (5-7)Owe only love (8-10)Live…
Theme: Jesus introduced a life which runs opposite our feelings and impulses. We respond differently to enemies, sensitively to others, humbly with believers, and peaceably with all.
Theme: We aim to have robust love. This plays out in our interactions with good and evil, one another, the Lord, tribulation, and need. Let us submit and grow. In this…
Once again, John takes us back to a main theme of his: let us love one another. He's not like Paul, who was more linear in his arguments. Instead, John…