This meeting on the mountaintop was an encouraging preview, but it was also an important conference. Jesus met there with Moses and Elijah. It had been centuries since both men…
In response to the disciples' confession and this new teaching about his death and resurrection, Jesus took three of his men to a mountaintop. Though we don't know the exact…
I must start today's article by reminding you of our place in the gospel of Mark. Mark had begun his book by revealing Jesus' identity: he is the Christ, the…
As readers of Mark's gospel, we already know. Mark used his first words to introduce us to Jesus. His first words were: *"The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ,…
We know believers are called to "put on...patience" (Colossians 3:12). We know the Bible is filled with related words -- long-suffering, endurance, steadfastness, and waiting. But this waiting with patience…
This episode is an identity account—one where the disciples come to terms with Jesus' identity. In this story, they gain a massive clue he is the God of Glory, the…
Mark sets up our next scene by pointing out two separate groups, Jesus' family and the scribes. But before looking at each group and their response to Christ, Mark is…
Many parts of this week’s passage are familiar to us. Jesus is presented as being famous far and wide. People from everywhere all come to see Jesus. We know why…
On the same day he taught in the synagogue and delivered the man with the unclean spirit, Jesus went to the house of Simon and Andrew with James and John.…
According to Peter, everyone with a gift in the church has something to offer the others in the church. This is particularly impressive when you think of the original recipients…
The prophets of old had predicted a day would come when the Holy Spirit would be poured out upon God's people, forming a new and special relationship never before seen…
In a solemn moment, the Lord tells Moses that the congregation is meant to gather at the entrance of the tabernacle to watch Aaron and his sons become consecrated. The…
At this point in his letter, John knew his readers were ripe for feelings of condemnation. He'd written to them about believing in Jesus, obeying God, and loving other Christians.…
Nehemiah was a man on a mission. He lived during a time in the Old Testament era when God's people weren't doing well. God had to discipline His people, so…
Here, John shows us God's light produces a chain reaction of grace. We see ourselves honestly, confess our sins, and He faithfully continues His work of sanctification, shaping and molding…
One day, Jesus was taught the Word, using Peter's boat as his pulpit. Pushed off from the shore in the Sea of Galilee, Jesus spoke to his audience on the…
On the Mount of Olives, overlooking the temple precincts, Jesus continued teaching about the end of the age. Peter, John, James, and Andrew sat in riveted as their Master explained…
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God the Son, was born of human flesh. While He walked the earth, so did others, and when Jesus was…
This is not the title I normally use of Jesus. Perhaps I've developed an allergy to the title after hearing many say, "Jesus was a good teacher, a prophet, but…
Peter thought about what he'd just witnessed. He'd watched a rich young ruler turn away from Jesus. He wouldn't leave all and follow Christ. But Peter and the other disciples…
In this three-part series, we are going to explore this question: What kind of people enter into God's kingdom? We are going to ask this because the first time Jesus…
“The Bible has the answers,” they say. Knowing how messed up life and the world and relationships can be, you decide to read it. Perhaps, you think, you will find…
John was an incredible man with an incredible life story. Peter or Paul he was not. God had a different plan for his life. Paul had traveled and written profusely.…
God is a renamer. He doesn't hesitate to take your old person and make you new. All through Scripture, God exemplifies his heart of renewal by renaming people he loved.…
At Your word, O Master, I will cast the nets again. Though it violates everything in my fleshly senses, I know You Lord of a dimension I cannot see. With…
O, God! Your love endures, more than my sin, weakness, and limitations. You have never run out of gas. Everywhere I have gone, anything I have thought, every day of…