Now, turning to Leviticus chapter 18, we turn to a chapter of Scripture, again for the people of Israel, where we have laws restricting sexual activity, laws restricting sexual activity.…
Sinless and unbroken, Adam and Eve had a beautiful innocence about them. **They were both naked and were not ashamed**. The implication is that shame would come due to the…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Here, we learn Adam knew Eve, which is the Bible's way of saying they knew one another in the act of sex. As an aside, this should be instructive concerning…
The Song of Solomon is the greatest love song ever written. In it, romantic love is evidenced from start to finish, from the beginning of life to the very end.…
Paul has just instructed his readers to imitate the love of God as demonstrated in the sacrificial cross of Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2). Our love is to be one which lays…
The believers in Antioch were far different from the culture they lived in. Because they lived in an environment without a connection to Judaism like the church in Jerusalem had…
Three times it had to be sung. Early in the romance, again close to the wedding date, and once more in their older years, the famed couple of the Song…
It sounded incredible at first. Saul led Israel into battle and thought of an ingenious way to rally the troops. A vow! No food until nightfall! No food until the…
When Christina and I met there were no children in the picture. Eventually, after dating, engagement, a wedding, and a brief time of marriage, children came along...5 Minutes / 1100…