Christina and I are in a season of preparation, readying ourselves for the inevitable departure into adulthood of all our daughters. With our first recently off to college, we have…
Mark doesn't refer often to Jesus' prayer life, but when he does Jesus is alone, and his ministry is in the balance. In the garden of Gethsemane, Mark presents Jesus…
In our last few studies of 1 John, we celebrated the glorious truth that God loves us so much that He decided to call all believers His children. In this…
Early in the public ministry of Christ, during a time when His popularity was shooting forth, He taught in a house in Capernaum. His presence had rocked that region, so…
Proverbs 29:18 is an oft-misunderstood verse. Many have taken this proverb to mean that unless a spiritual leader, like a pastor, has a vision for where the church is going…