Every person has guides who help them navigate life. All of us have authoritative voices that help us decide how to live. What the disciples of Jesus would quickly begin…
Mark does not include robust detail about Jesus' time of temptation in the wilderness. Matthew and Luke record three direct temptations from Satan, along with Jesus' scriptural rebuttals to each.…
At this point, Satan had Eve teed up. He had planted the seeds of doubt in God and in God's word. She was ready for destruction, primed for manipulation. (4…
In our last few studies of 1 John, we celebrated the glorious truth that God loves us so much that He decided to call all believers His children. In this…
John has shown us what worldliness looks like. These three temptations have had their way with us for humanity's entire existence. Perhaps you thought of this in looking at all…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Remember your castle. You want Jesus seated firmly on its throne. But the devil tries to appeal to your sinful desires with the world system he controls. He hopes you'll…
Laziness was a real issue in the Thessalonian church; it had overcome at least one of the citizens in the body of Christ there in Thessalonica. And to that Paul…
The rich young ruler had turned away from Jesus. The demands Jesus put on his life were too high. The god of money had consumed him. (4 Minutes/1200 Words)
The first thing John tells us God's light produces is fellowship with one another and personal growth, or sanctification, within. But before detailing this, John records the first claim of…
After defeating the four invading kings and returning the goods and peoples of the weaker kings, Abram had a meeting with the King of Salem and the King of Sodom.…
in the wilderness. Matthew and Luke record three direct temptations from Satan, along with Jesus' scriptural rebuttals to each. Instead, Mark gives an overview of the events. He isn't as…
I had an experience recently that illustrates the truth of our next song. As a runner, I sometimes enjoy heading to a local school to run their track. There, I…
Paul had asked the Corinthian church to do something difficult. In his previous letter, he'd told them to remove one of the members who was in unrepentant rebellion against God.…
Temptation is all around us. Daily, we are bombarded with the pull fleshly passions. Because of temptation, we must feed the Spirit. (4 Minutes/1000 Words)
Temptation breathed down his neck. Satan himself pummelled Jesus with despairing thoughts, trying to move the Christ to error. In the wilderness, dry and breaking, Jesus stood alone under the…