The book of Galatians is a letter detailing a struggle for the gospel of grace. Paul was a first-century apostle, and God's purpose for Paul was to send him to…
Paul's question is loaded with personal backstory. He knew everything the Galatians had endured for their belief in Jesus. While with them, Paul and Barnabas had to strengthen the Galatians’…
Jesus loves to save. And sometimes he will save us by allowing things to get worse before they get better. In the time of worsening, you must still believe, even…
So one Sabbath Jesus again went to church, to the synagogue, to the public meeting. Mark says, a man was there with a withered hand. Luke, who was a doctor,…
Today, I want to take you to a little passage in Joshua 5:13-15. These three short verses really have been meaningful in my life and in my heart. And the…
David was a God-hearted man, and his defeat of Goliath was evidence of his deep love and reverence for the Lord. David believed in God when no one else would…
Sometimes God's people must take a risk. Consider Timothy (Acts 16:1-5). Paul and Barnabas were no longer a team. So Paul needed a new ministry companion and trainee. He went…
When God makes a promise, He keeps it. Sometimes God delivers on His promises in ways we don’t expect, but He always delivers in the way that He intends.
We are entering into a new season, a post COVID season, and we need to get our minds right. This next season will require us to flexible and immovable and…
Written hundreds of years before Christ came, Psalm 107 describes the handiwork of God. "He made the storm be still," the psalmist cried, "And the waves of the sea were…
Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land. God had promised Canaan to Israel, and now it was time to take inventory. Did the inhabitants, a people ripe for…
Have you ever seen those UFC advertisements where they put the pictures of the two fighters next to each other? Sometimes they have their fists up like they're ready to…
Jairus was desperate. His little girl, only twelve years old, lay sick at the point of death. He heard Jesus had arrived on his shore, so he pushed through the…
We praise Abraham for his faith in God. We don't call him the father of faith for nothing. And, as the author to the Hebrews tried to urge his readers…
Life ain't easy, especially if you're Joseph. Favored by his dad, and subsequently hated by his brothers, he was sold into slavery when only a young man. He fought for…
I'm sure you always read the full agreement you make with various companies to use their software and hardware. A recent Apple software license agreement is 451 pages long. And…
He stood powerless in front of the people. Thousands had gathered. For them, life had become hopeless, and this man had told them to follow him. And follow they did,…
Creeping, slowly and steadily, unbelief was ready to pounce on the early Jewish believers. They were, after all, outcasts in their culture, for their acceptance of Jesus as Messiah made…
Though we do not know what trial Paul endured in Asia, the Corinthians knew, and what we do understand is that he was "utterly burdened beyond strength." The man was…
While writing to the church about the proper handling of liberties, Paul encouraged his readers to develop a lot of dead friends. What I mean is, he thought the endurance…
The Song of Solomon is the greatest love song ever written. In it, romantic love is evidenced from start to finish, from the beginning of life to the very end.…
Hannah had been childless for many years. In a society which saw infertility as a curse from God, Hannah fell into despair. She cried out to God, continually asking him…
Northern Israel, during a time of egregious apostasy against God, blamed the drought and despair and death on God. He was, in their minds, to blame. Elisha wanted them to…
No two people are alike, and if by some miracle they are, they won’t automatically like each other for it. We are people with brokenness, sinful desires, and bad histories,…
Christina and I are not the same people we were in 2002, the year we stood before God and witnesses and declared our covenant of love for one another. As…
This post will examine 6 biblical parenting principles that apply across various cultures, with follow-up questions that pertain more to this culture. Here is an overview of the principles:Does my…
Theme: Though hard for us to believe, when we put our trust in Christ, He gives us an immovable position. This song highlights our radical position, along with the peace…