Paul has previously demonstrated how the Gentile world was outside God’s program, looking in on what He was doing with Israel. The promises and covenants and hope attached to the…
Beautifully, Christ has killed the hostility, breaking down the wall of division by His blood. Gentiles can now be brought near by His blood. There is no level of divide…
Paul went on to detail three disadvantages the nations (the non-Jewish world) were under before Christ came and died on His cross. He attached an exhortation to these disadvantages —…
Paul believed sin caused double alienation. In his view, sin divides us from God and one another. The entirety of Ephesians 2 demonstrates how God has dealt with that double…
We have taken time to learn why and how God worked to save His people, but how did God perform this gracious salvation? We’ve seen what we were and what…
We have now observed why God saved us, but what did God do to rescue us from our previous condition? Spiritually dead, followers in every way, and under the judgment…
Up to this point in our passage, Paul has explained to us the utter lostness of humanity (see Ephesians 2:1-3). We were dead. We were followers. We were children of…
The opposite of God’s wrath is not God’s love, but God's apathy, and God cannot be apathetic. His wrath flows from His love, for He hates what sin does to…
Perhaps, when thinking of that old life of spiritual deadness, believers might remember themselves as brimming with originality. But it would be wrong to think this way, for our past…
Of the three realities Paul longed for the church to realize, this last one seems to have pressed most deeply upon his heart, which is why he expanded upon it…
The third, and final, request of Paul in this opening prayer is for the church to know the profound power of God “toward us who believe.” To add emphasis and color…
Paul continued his prayer for revelation with three specific requests. Three realities stood out in Paul’s mind. He believed that, if the church knows these realities — deeply, inwardly — the…
When the Syrian army encamped against Elisha’s home, his servant saw them first. Trembling, he ran to Elisha. Elisha exhorted him, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with…
Before moving to the next portion of Paul’s letter, we must ask two questions of the blessings Paul has already spoken of (see Ephesians 1:3-14). First, where are they located?…
Each of the blessings Paul lists in Ephesians 1:3-14 can only be understood from a spiritual vantage point, for they are spiritual blessings. Fortunately, one of the greatest blessings God…
Next, Paul moves from the spiritual blessings from God the Father to the spiritual blessings from God the Son. The first blessing believers have received from the Son is that…
Here, Paul runs on with his sentence of praise regarding the blessings which come from God. He first focuses on blessings from God the Father, next the Son, and finally…
Paul begins Ephesians with a long song of praise to God, for praise is what is meant by the word “blessed.” God is to be blessed. Paul aims to worship. His…
Paul was custom made by God to bridge the Old Testament Scriptures to the New Testament church. He was called “the apostle to the Gentiles.” Billions of non-Jews have been blessed…
Before his death, Moses had to sing. Before the people of Israel embarked on their journey into the Promised Land, Moses wrote and recited a song for them. He knew…