As we enter into March, I am filled with hope and joy regarding God's work here on the Monterey Peninsula. I believe he is working in powerful ways, and some…
This post will examine 6 biblical parenting principles that apply across various cultures, with follow-up questions that pertain more to this culture. Here is an overview of the principles:Does my…
The authors of the New Testament, or the entire Bible for that matter, were not oblivious to the hard conditions found amongst humanity. They were conscious of the turmoil and…
Quiet time. Devotional life. Morning solitude. The names vary, but the idea is the same. Believers who want more of God will often attempt some kind of morning or evening…
Before sin entered the world, God instituted the first marriage. In fact, Jesus goes to great lengths to remind the Pharisees and others of that first marriage (Mark 10:1–11). These…