Have you ever been disappointed by unmet expectations? I remember a day in my childhood when I built up an expectation but never voiced it, and it led to my disappointment.
It was New Year’s Day, and I was nine or ten years old. I had heard that January 1st was a day filled with tons of college football bowl games. I loved sports. I knew my dad loved them, too, especially college football. So I expected we would enjoy a full day of college football together. Lounging on the couch, nothing on the schedule and football all day long. I even took the big step of pouring a bag of potato chips into a bowl. You know, major preparations.
But the one thing I forgot to do was ask my dad if he wanted to or was able to spend the day that way. I expected he would. I expected he could. But I never found out.
Well, you can probably guess what happened. My dad had no idea. He was surprised I had expected his entire day to be filled with couch time. And I was surprised his entire day would be filled with yard work. Yard work!
In our passage today, Jesus is going to tell three parables. They are an extension of the first parable he told (Mark 4:1-20). And each parable was told against the backdrop of the crowds’ expectations of the Christ-Messiah. They believed an anointed one would come with an external, powerful, militaristic, political, and obvious kingdom.
Some of them—the Zealots—tried to force that expectation on God by staging revolutions. Some of them—the Pharisees—tried to force that expectation on God by their meticulous adherence to God’s laws. And all of them hoped this outward and obvious kingdom would come as soon as possible!
And, like my little New Year’s Day story, Jesus did not meet their expectations. But, unlike my story, he did not come to do something worse than their expectations. He did not come to do yardwork.
Instead, he came to exceed their expectations. And these parables were a way Jesus tried to get them to rearrange their thinking about his kingdom and how it would look. He did not want them to despise his kingdom because of their preconceived notions. He needed to show them he was doing something better than they ever dreamed.
Over the next three weeks, let’s consider three parables that speak of the unstoppable word of Christ.
Mark 4:21–23 (ESV) — 21 And he said to them, “Is a lamp brought in to be put under a basket, or under a bed, and not on a stand? 22 For nothing is hidden except to be made manifest; nor is anything secret except to come to light. 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
Jesus Is the Lamp
The image of this parable is easy enough to understand. Lamps are not meant to be covered by baskets or beds (21). They should be put on a stand (21). This is why we install our lighting in the ceiling, not the floor. Or why we buy lampstands. Or why we string up lanterns above our campsites. If we want the benefits of a light source, we cannot hide the light source.
But what did Jesus mean by this imagery? One interesting clue is found in the way Mark constructed the sentence. Literally, Mark personified the lamp. You could translate his words “Is a lamp brought in “ like this: The lamp comes or Does the lamp come? The coming of the lamp! It’s an unusual way to talk.
Another clue is found in the expectation of the masses at that time. Again, they were not expecting the Messiah to bring an invisible and spiritual kingdom, but a physical one. The way Jesus came, though, appeared hidden and secret compared to their expectations. So Jesus told them everything hidden and secret would one day be made manifest and come to light (22).
So it seems Jesus was talking about himself and his kingdom. He is the lamp that came into the world (John 12:46). He is the true light, which enlightens everyone (John 1:9). He is the light of the world (John 8:12). He came! The light has come!
Believe His Message Can Be Known
Though Jesus is portrayed in Mark as silencing the crowds, the demons, and people he healed, this parable shows us he would one day be shouted about from the rooftops. One day he would be made manifest and come to light (22). Even these parables, designed at least for a moment to keep him mysterious, would one day be known by all. The Jesus secret would be made known and he would be widely broadcast by his people. The gospel would be preached. One day, the church would plainly declare the message of Jesus!
Too many believers have spent too much time thinking Jesus and his message are mysteries that cannot be known. People like this see the Bible as a wasteland of unknowable doctrines describing an unattainable Christian life. They search for a “deeper life” and are convinced that “most Christians” don’t get it.
But Jesus can and should be known. His message is manifest and in the light. You can know him and his word. Stop thinking he and his word are too mysterious for you to know.
I remember where the calculus and trigonometry classes met at my high school. I wasn’t on that trajectory. I had no desire to go beyond Algebra 2. And whenever I walked by those classes, I felt like I was looking at supernatural beings with miraculous superpowers. They understood deep mysteries I would never comprehend. And, so far, I have been right!
But this is not the way it is with the Bible and Jesus. We live in the era where his message has been revealed. He and his word are knowable.
Does it take some work? Sure. Can you grow to know him and his word more? Absolutely. Are some people gifted to discern and explain the word? Yeah. But the point is that the indestructible truth of Jesus Christ can be known. We must believe this to be true.
Broadcast Jesus
If Jesus is likened to the lamp that came to illuminate a room, then he must be broadcast today. In another place, he said:
Matthew 5:14 (ESV) — 14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:16 (ESV) — 16 Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.
We have the greatest message the world has ever known. And I know it’s easy to believe no one wants to hear it, but some are groping for the truth. The Spirit is producing a thirst in many, and we have the good news which will generate Living Water from their hearts.
Recently, Christina showed me a video that made me laugh. It was of a couple, husband and wife, I think, in a video stream conversation. He was in his car. She was at home. And he had a joke he couldn’t wait to tell her. What’s the difference between Dubai and Abu Dhabi? he asked. I give up, she said. And then he just couldn’t hold it together. He was giggling like a schoolgirl. Finally, in the midst of his laughter, he said, Dubai does not like the Flinstones, but Abu-Dhabi-do! Terrible. Kids, ask your parents. But I laughed so hard because he thought it was such an awesome joke.
And we’ve all had experiences like that, times when we just couldn’t wait to share good news, tell a great joke, or celebrate a new blessing. And perhaps that same spirit should fill our hearts when it comes to the message of Jesus. We have the cure to what ails humanity and, though it has hurdles because it is offensive and controversial to many, we love the message of the gospel. It must be broadcast!
I would encourage you to go back, if you haven’t already, and watch Pastor Matt’s recent training forum on evangelism in our current crisis moment. It was a good teaching and conversation. Perhaps it will spark some thoughts to help you broadcast Jesus during this time.
But let’s move on in our passage. Before looking at parable #2, we need to see something Jesus added to this first parable.
Mark 4:24–25 (ESV) — 24 And he said to them, “Pay attention to what you hear: with the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you. 25 For to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.”
Respond to the Word
Here, Jesus tells everyone to hear well. Remember the fourth soil from last week? They are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold (Mark 4:20). Now, Jesus encourages everyone to be like that fourth, good soil. Pay attention! Hear! Use the word!
This is part of the reason we seek to ask applicational questions of each Bible passage we’re in. We want to use the word he gives to us. We want to respond to the word.
More Will Be Given
Jesus said that when we use the word, it will be measured to us, and still more will be added to us (24). The one who has, more will be given (25). You use the word, and you will continue to grow in the word. When you apply the truth of the kingdom, you get to experience even more of the kingdom.
And there is a warning also. The one who has not, even what he has will be taken away (25). In other words, to reject the word of Christ leads to even greater darkness.
Use the Word and Receive More
Here, Jesus is alluding to the principle of spiritual momentum. You see, the Christian life is never run on flat ground. If you are following him, one lesson begets another, one truth leads to another, and growth is rapid. It’s like running downhill. But when we are slothful in our allegiance, when our engagement with his word is haphazard and infrequent, our growth declines. It’s like running uphill.
Many of us have seen this spiritual principle exemplified in our physical fitness. You know how it is. Go to the gym three days a week, and it often produces a desire to go again. You start feeling good, and it’s no biggie to go regularly. You have momentum. But then you get sick, or go to Thanksgiving dinner, or eat a carton of ice cream and the momentum wains. You get tired too quickly. Soon, it becomes a major chore to just put your gym clothes on.
In other words, catch the wave! As we take in the message of Jesus, we get more from Jesus. He said more will be added to you. More will be given. Believe him by applying the truth he delivers. And watch how he gives you more understanding and insight than before.
For the entire Mark series, go here. Thank you.